[AJUDA][PESQUISA] Uso da IA para a produtividade
Olá, pessoal, tudo bem? Eu sou um estudante de Engenharia de Software e estou lançando este pequeno survey anônimo, com 12 perguntas sobre o impacto da utilização de IA na produtividade. As perguntas são de fácil entendimento e apenas uma é discursiva. Vai ser de grande ajuda ter o máximo possível de respostas.
Eu também fiz a pesquisa em inglês, caso vocês conheçam uma pessoa de fora para responder.
OBSERVAÇÃO: Neste formulário, em momento algum está sendo realizada a coleta de e-mails ou qualquer outro dado pessoal.
Sintam-se livres para debater o tema aqui neste post :)
link em português: https://forms.gle/zGW3vbbQzNptKffZA link em inglês: https://forms.gle/FzPEY2U55vdpDkMf6
respondido, curioso com o resultado, achei as perguntas muito direcionadas podendo ser expandidas, parece que a pesquisa está tendenciosa para o resultado positivo do uso da IA e pouco investigativa.
Verdade! Não precisou qualquer login para responder a única pergunta, caso responda No (ou 10 questões + 2 dissertativas caso responda Yes (em ptbr 11 itens)).
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Software Development
This survey was created by a Software Engineering student with the purpose of understanding more about the impact of AI on the lives of software engineers. This survey is anonymous, and your personal data will not be collected—only the responses to the questions below. Feel free to answer and share it with your colleagues and friends! < 3 Sign in to Google to save what you've already filled out. Learn more
- Indicates a mandatory question
Do you use or already used AI tools in software development? * (X) Yes ( ) No
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Which AI tools do you use in your daily work? (Select all that apply) * [ ] Code assistants (e.g., GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, Tabnine) [ ] Automated testing tools (e.g., Testim, Mabl) [ ] AI-powered code analysis and security tools (e.g., Snyk, SonarQube with AI) [X] Other: Code explorer
On a scale from 1 to 5, what is the impact of AI tools on your productivity in software development? * No impact | ( 1 ) | ( 2 ) | ( 3 ) | ( X ) | ( 5 ) | Extremely positive impact
In which areas have you noticed the greatest benefit from using AI in development? (Select all that apply) * [ ] Code autocompletion and suggestions [ ] Debugging and bug detection [ ] Test generation and test automation [ ] Code security [X] Code refactoring [ ] Automated documentation [ ] Other:
Does the use of AI tools influence the quality of the produced code? * ( ) Yes, it significantly improves quality (X) Yes, it moderately improves quality ( ) No significant impact ( ) It may decrease quality in certain cases ( ) Not sure
Does the use of AI-based code assistants affect your creative and learning process? * (X) Yes, it helps with learning ( ) Yes, but I feel it may hinder my creativity ( ) No significant effect ( ) Not sure
What is your level of confidence in solutions suggested by AI code assistants? * ( ) Very confident ( ) Confident in most cases ( ) Indifferent (X) Slightly confident ( ) Not confident
Do you believe AI tools will replace some developer activities in the future? * ( ) Yes, to a large extent (X) Yes, but only for specific tasks ( ) No, developers’ roles will remain essential ( ) Not sure
Have you become dependent on any AI tool for your daily tasks? * ( ) Yes ( ) No (X) Maybe
How often do you have to resolve errors generated by AI? * ( ) Never ( ) Rarely (X) Sometimes ( ) Often ( ) Always
Would you prefer to do pair-programming with AI rather than with a human? * ( ) Yes ( ) No (X) Maybe
Have you ever delivered a project with parts or a large portion written by AI that you could not explain how it works? * Your answer: Never. That is a irresponsible professional practice!!
What is your country? * Your answer: A nomad does not have a defined country.
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Aguardado o resultado, seria interessante saber a opinião às pessoas em relação a IA na programação.
Respondido! \o/
vai disponibilizar os resultados depois?