🤖 Trending Repos Github - 03/07
searxng/searxng - ⭐ 1271 🗜 181
SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
messense/aliyundrive-webdav - ⭐ 4194 🗜 670
阿里云盘 WebDAV 服务
denoland/fresh - ⭐ 5883 🗜 176
The next-gen web framework.
Shopify/flash-list - ⭐ 1331 🗜 26
A better list for React Native
donnemartin/system-design-primer - ⭐ 186114 🗜 33828
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
juanfont/headscale - ⭐ 5333 🗜 307
An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server
30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code - ⭐ 97841 🗜 10306
Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs
charlax/professional-programming - ⭐ 16970 🗜 1536
A collection of full-stack resources for programmers.
libevm/subway - ⭐ 1120 🗜 260
A practical example on how to perform sandwich attacks on Ethereum
mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know - ⭐ 54733 🗜 5398
A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt - ⭐ 8210 🗜 1304
Zigbee🐝to MQTT bridge🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges🔨
codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x - ⭐ 146922 🗜 14003
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
decalage2/awesome-security-hardening - ⭐ 2597 🗜 311
A collection of awesome security hardening guides, tools and other resources
practical-tutorials/project-based-learning - ⭐ 70856 🗜 10547
Curated list of project-based tutorials
jwasham/coding-interview-university - ⭐ 223193 🗜 60423
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
deepmind/educational - ⭐ 859 🗜 116
dair-ai/ML-Course-Notes - ⭐ 3272 🗜 461
🎓Sharing course notes on all topics related to machine learning, NLP, and AI.
WhaleFell/SMSBoom - ⭐ 1375 🗜 324
短信轰炸/短信测压/ | 一个健壮免费的python短信轰炸程序,专门炸坏蛋蛋,百万接口,多线程全自动添加有效接口,支持异步协程百万并发,全免费的短信轰炸工具!!高一美术生开发全网首发!!
jina-ai/discoart - ⭐ 248 🗜 12
Create Disco Diffusion artworks in one line
raspberrypi/pico-sdk - ⭐ 1476 🗜 336
kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - ⭐ 198956 🗜 28468
Roadmap to becoming a developer in 2022
EbookFoundation/free-programming-books - ⭐ 238060 🗜 49396
📚Freely available programming books
michaelgutmann/ml-pen-and-paper-exercises - ⭐ 840 🗜 55
Pen and paper exercises in machine learning
tihmstar/jbinit - ⭐ 61 🗜 16
iOS booter ramdisk creator for checkm8 based jailbreaks
sveltejs/svelte - ⭐ 60005 🗜 2924
Cybernetically enhanced web apps
(Obs: Esse conteudo e feito por um BOT, se quer saber mais veja esse post)