🤖 Trending Repos Github - 02/07

denoland/fresh - ⭐ 5370 🗜 154

The next-gen web framework.

python-discord/code-jam-qualifier-9 - ⭐ 78 🗜 53

Qualifier for Python Discord Code Jam 9 - Summer 2022

micropython/micropython - ⭐ 14585 🗜 5512

MicroPython - a lean and efficient Python implementation for microcontrollers and constrained systems

laravel/vite-plugin - ⭐ 344 🗜 23

Laravel plugin for Vite.

libevm/subway - ⭐ 1060 🗜 253

A practical example on how to perform sandwich attacks on Ethereum

ialberquilla/aave-liquidation - ⭐ 295 🗜 70

Liquidation Aave protocol example

duckdegen/apebot - ⭐ 1028 🗜 396

ccyanxyz/uniswap-arbitrage-analysis - ⭐ 1095 🗜 316

Uniswap arbitrage problem analysis

AMAI-GmbH/AI-Expert-Roadmap - ⭐ 20743 🗜 1887

Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022

wmjordan/PDFPatcher - ⭐ 5795 🗜 982


Azure/azureml-examples - ⭐ 663 🗜 425

Official community-driven Azure Machine Learning examples, tested with GitHub Actions.

jinfagang/yolov7 - ⭐ 1507 🗜 229

🔥🔥🔥🔥YOLO with Transformers and Instance Segmentation, with TensorRT acceleration!🔥🔥🔥

30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code - ⭐ 97468 🗜 10287

Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs

ethereum/go-ethereum - ⭐ 38201 🗜 14301

Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol

521xueweihan/HelloGitHub - ⭐ 56931 🗜 7950

分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.

practical-tutorials/project-based-learning - ⭐ 70535 🗜 10519

Curated list of project-based tutorials

bregman-arie/devops-resources - ⭐ 4983 🗜 1057

DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP

Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking - ⭐ 52646 🗜 7972

A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers

muesli/duf - ⭐ 9100 🗜 297

Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better 'df' alternative

flashbots/simple-arbitrage - ⭐ 1193 🗜 474

Example arbitrage bot using Flashbots

rui314/chibicc - ⭐ 5444 🗜 495

A small C compiler

kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - ⭐ 198736 🗜 28448

Roadmap to becoming a developer in 2022

lydiahallie/javascript-questions - ⭐ 45331 🗜 6334

A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations✨

qiangmzsx/Software-Engineering-at-Google - ⭐ 1457 🗜 177

《Software Engineering at Google》的中文翻译版本

thebookisclosed/ViVe - ⭐ 1190 🗜 94

C# library and console app for using new feature control APIs available in Windows 10 version 2004 and newer

(Obs: Esse conteudo e feito por um BOT, se quer saber mais veja esse post)