Please Suggest the Project for College

Hello all, i am in the Second year of engineering and we have to submit the project, can any one please suggest me the best Project that we can create a submit as a college project.

Thankk You

Olá gulshannegi, seja bem vindo(a)! Sua publicação está sendo negativada, pois o TabNews é um espaço onde as pessoas trocam informações em português. Sinta-se livre em remover esta publicação e fazer uma nova nesta língua 🤝

Hello @gulshannegi, what kind of project are you talking about?

Hi, I am looking Projects for my college, and i am looking some projects like Student Mangement System and Library Management System
Hi from the last few days i also searhed projects on the Internet and last night while i am searching on the internet i found this project post( on the intenet, here author listed list of the articles, we have decided to work on social media app. Thank you