My Journey to get the OpenJS Node.js Services Developer (JSNSD) certification

Around a year ago, I challenged myself to achieve the two Node.JS certifications offered by the OpenJS Foundation. However, I could only set aside some time now to focus on it and organize my routine to study the required content.

I am also trying to improve my English skills and thought of combining the two by using a tech blog to post my journey. This blog would serve as a notebook where I can easily review the content and clear my doubts.

This is the first post of a series of posts where I will be sharing my journey to get both certifications, starting with the JSNSD certification.

I hope you enjoy this series of posts, but if not, that's okay - I will finish them anyway.

É muito bom aprimorarmos nosso inglês, tanto na leitura, na fala quanto na escrita.

No entanto, atualmente no TabNews somos incentivados a escrever apenas em português.

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