20 Websites para trabalhos Remotos que pagam em US$ (Dólares Americanos).

Eis a Lista de 20 websites para trabalhos remotos que pagam em US$. Obviamente o uso da lingua Inglesa é fundamental para todos eles, assim sendo, manterei os tópicos com seus "Sobre/About" na versão original.

Desejo a todas as pessoas sucesso em sua jornada! REMOTO É VIDA.

  1. DesignRemotely

Design Remotely provides you jobs from top remote companies hiring that are hiring.

Find jobs from Spotify, Figma to Gitlab like companies.

Click here 👇


  1. JustRemote

On this site you can find a remote jo that fit you.

Discover fully and partially remote jobs from the greatest remote working companies.

Click here 👇


  1. Working Nomads

Remote jobs platform specially for Digital Nomads.

Work remotely from any places around the world.

Click here 👇


  1. Wellfound ( @WellfoundHQ )

AngelList Talent is now Wellfound.

On Wellfound, you can find unique jobs at startups and tech companies you can't find anywhere else.

One click to apply and you're done.

Click here 👇


  1. Jobspresso ( @Jobspresso )

Expertly curated remote jobs in tech, marketing, customer support and more you can find on this website.

Click here 👇


  1. Hired ( @Hired_HQ )

With Hired your job search will become super easy!

Create a free profile to start finding your next opportunity.

Click here 👇


  1. DailyRemote ( @daily_remote )

Explore top remote jobs in Software Development, Design, Support, Product, and Other categories.

Apply now and start telecommuting & working from home today!

Click here 👇


  1. Odesk work

Use Odesk work to find any remote work with ease.

Find perfect freelancing/remote projects related to your expertise.

Click here 👇


  1. Remote

Trusted websites by leaders in remote work.

Easily get remote jobs with this site from anywhere in the world.

Click here 👇


  1. Job Board Search

On this platform you will find hand curated list of best remote job related to 200+ different categories.

Sign up and get hired.

Click here 👇


  1. JS Remotely

Best website to find Remote JavaScript Jobs.

More than 200+ new jobs daily on this platform related to JavaScript.

Click here 👇


  1. Remote .co

A super easy search for job seekers to find jobs.

Find jobs specific to your country area with ease.

Click here 👇


  1. Remote OK

Find remote jobs with ease.

Remote OK has a system that makes finding jobs or job opportunities super easy.

Click here 👇


  1. Himalayas

The remote job board you'll actually enjoy even while surfing.

You can find a remote job you love from 100+ categories and get hire.

Click here 👇


  1. We Work Remotely

We Work Remotely is the largest remote work community in the world.

This is the number one destination to find and list incredible remote jobs.

Click here 👇


  1. Flex Jobs

The #1 job site to find top notch remote work and flexible job opportunities from world wide.

Sign up and find a job.

Click here 👇


  1. Fiverr

Start earning from your first day by signing up and creating your gig.

Fiverr is the free platform for all.

Click here 👇


  1. Remote Leaf ( @remoteleaf )

Get handpicked remote job alerts based on your location and skills from the more than 100 remote job boards.

Click here 👇


  1. Upwork

Upwork has a more diverse category of talents, projects, and free membership.

Trusted by 100+ companies around the world.

Click here 👇


  1. Outsourcely

On Outsourcely, you can find part-time and full-time jobs.

Find jobs for web development, designing, and more Content writing easily.

Click here 👇


Obrigado pela lista. Vou dar uma fuçada um por um.

Estamos juntos. Vou continuar buscando informações sobre Trabalho remoto e vida Nômade, espero poder ajudar todas as pessoas que acessam aqui a TabNews.

ótimas ferramentas, momento exato que eu estou procurando algo do tipo, muito obrigado pelo post!

ja fiz alguns trampos no UpWork, não recomendo muito, alem de mt concorrido tive algumas más experiencias. Pode ter sido apenas má sorte minha mas a maioria dos meu empregadores sempre pediam coisas além do escopo, e quase sempre o job se estendia, teve um em q tive q cancelar o contrato pois toda hora eram solicitadas coisas alem do combinado, e o contratante me pressionava com um deadline nao combinada. Resumo da historia cancelei o contrato, não recebi e a plataforma nunca respondeu o meu pedido de ajuda, recomendo muito antes de pegar um job lá olhar quantos o contratante já gastou na plataforma e ler bem as reviews.

Obrigado por compatilhar essas informações.

Estamos juntos. Vou continuar buscando informações sobre Trabalho remoto e vida Nômade, espero poder ajudar todas as pessoas que acessam aqui a TabNews.

Muito bom. Obrigado por compartilhar!

muito util mano valeu

Estamos juntos. Vou continuar buscando informações sobre Trabalho remoto e vida Nômade, espero poder ajudar todas as pessoas que acessam aqui a TabNews.

Muito bom!!

Estamos juntos. Vou continuar buscando informações sobre Trabalho remoto e vida Nômade, espero poder ajudar todas as pessoas que acessam aqui a TabNews.